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Quick ways to help your child control their mobile phone addiction

The world we live in now is vastly different from the times we enjoyed as kids. It’s highly digitalized, where even a one-year-old can easily access an iPhone without assistance. Kids nowadays are more addicted to playing games on any device they can get their hands on, whether iPods, iPhones, iPads, or numerous other devices. The constant nagging of kids asking for mobile phones drives most parents to the edge of desperation.

It’s not just kids who are addicted to mobile phones now;

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How much screen time is too much time for kids?

Parents in today’s digital world often complain of their kids’ battle over screen time and TV addiction. Be it children as young as three year olds throwing unending tantrums when the mobile phone is snatched away from them, eight year olds watching YouTube all through the night, and nine year olds demanding their own phones, this TV and mobile addiction is apparent at every stage of childhood and adolescence.


This brings up the questions –

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Educational Toys, Montessori Material and Preschool Furniture Store in Sri Lanka.